You Weren’t Born For An Ordinary Life
You weren’t born to do things in a cookie-cutter manner, you
weren’t born to conform to routine and go through the motions – you were born
for so much more.
You were born for magic and leaving an impact. You were born
to make a difference in people’s lives and achieve your big dreams. You were
born to be brilliant, not ordinary, so please don’t give up just yet.

You are capable of so much and you should never settle.
Don’t settle for love, or relationships, or in a career –
your time is too valuable for you to waste it being miserable. There are too
many paths and roads to take to stay on one that isn’t making you feel alive
and in love with everything around you.
Don’t settle for someone who doesn’t respect you or treat
you like a priority. Don’t get hung up on people whose attention you have to
fight for. Don’t be the one giving your all to a relationship that would
immediately collapse without your maintenance. Don’t lose your dreams and your
spirit to a career that barely allows you to live the life you’ve always
dreamed of.
There are millions of paths in this life and each person
walks a different one. Everyone one of us has a different story, a different
background, and a different dream – no two are exactly the same and that’s what
makes us so unique.
You weren’t born for ordinary, you weren’t born to follow
the crowd and succumb to routine.
Routine is what kills people while they’re still alive, it’s
what makes people lose interest and stops people from chasing their dreams.
Don’t let yourself settle or become comfortable. Don’t allow
yourself to ease into the comfort zone because that’s where dreams go to die.
You are brilliant and wonderful, and capable of so much but
it’s easy to get lost in this world when you don’t know where you’re going.
It’s easy to fall into a routine, it’s easy to just stay because it’s what
you’ve become used to, and it’s easy to forget all the greatness you have
inside of you when you’re used to doing the same work over and over.
Getting out of the routine you’re in is hard but it’s worth
it because you weren’t born for ordinary – you were born for so much more.
Break out of your routine, make changes, quit anything that
doesn’t make your cells dance and pursue what will. Ditch the unfulfilling
relationships, cut the toxic people out, ask for what you want and never feel
bad for chasing your dreams. You are capable of so much more than you give
yourself credit for.
There’s an entire world out there waiting for you to leave
your mark, it’s time to stop settling and go after it. I believe in you.
Written by Becca Martin