When You Realize That God is Not Done Teaching You Important Lessons
As an adult, you think when you reach a certain age that you
already know too much. You’ve gone through enough experiences in life that
taught you so much about love, heartbreak, wisdom, pain, healing and starting
over. You’ve met enough people who taught you how to determine who’s right or
wrong, who’s honest and who’s shady and generally, you feel like you have a
good sense of judgment when it comes to choosing the people you want in your
future and making sensible decisions in your life.

You slowly begin to understand that God has denied you
certain prayers or certain wishes because his new lessons are going to change
your mind or maybe your heart. They will make you wish for different things.
They will make you a different person. They will make you thankful that certain
things didn’t work out because they wouldn’t have aligned with who you want to
You begin to trust his timing and his plans, it starts
making sense when you put two and two together. It adds up. You realize that
without these new lessons, you could’ve made a decision that was going to hurt
you or trapped yourself somewhere you don’t belong or with someone who makes
you miserable.
You begin to appreciate the pain, the delays, the setbacks
because through them you got to know yourself a little better. They led you to
find yourself and your passion. They pushed you to end things and say goodbye
to people you loved and wanted so you can be who you really want to be. They
pushed you to be in a better place emotionally, mentally or financially.
When God doesn’t give you something you’re praying for right
away, it means he’s not done teaching you what you need to learn. He’ll bring
you changes that will ultimately change you and you’ll look back and understand
why you had to wait. You’ll look back and thank him for not granting you those
wishes right away.
You’ll look back and realize that sometimes you wished for
things you were not ready for, things you could’ve easily destroyed if they
were yours. You’ll realize that you still need to learn a few more lessons
before you’re fully ready to embrace and appreciate his gifts and his
You’ll realize that you’ll forever be his student and he’ll
always have the final say because you still won’t get all the answers right no
matter who you are or how much you know. You still need his confirmation. You
still need his approval. He’s always going to know better. He’s always going to
prepare you for the hardest tests so you can achieve the greatest score.
Written by Rania Raim