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If There's A Word Stronger Than Love


How did we meet? 
One day, a butterfly flew like a petal and made a small flutter. 
How did we meet and end up here? 
The corner of the street where we exchanged our love in spring. 
It was a sudden miracle. 
We slowly held hands as we walked down the street together. 
The dandelions beneath the telephone pole swayed brightly. 
How did we manage to walk past all those times together? 
Were we able to reach love because we walked past such lovable moments? 
I came to believe that there’s no such thing as coincidence in love. 
In order to make two people fall in love with each other, 
I believe the universe calculates even the smallest of happenings 
including the wing stroke of a butterfly. 
An inevitable miracle. 
I didn’t want to think that we met by a mere coincidence. 
So the only thing I can do is to do my best to love you.
At the moment, I am passing through your love.

From the Korean Drama "Bride of the Water God"